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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

Brandon Williams on LIVE Race Coverage at Deception Pass 50k

On December 15th, at Deception Pass State park in the pre-dawn darkness, I’m captivated at the moment by the calm and quiet of the normally turbulent weather that this region is known for. This puts my mind at ease, and I bask in the temporary peace of mind as I know today will be anything but tranquil.

In a few short hours, for the first time I will be helping Uphill Running provide race day coverage at the Deception Pass 50k trail race, just north of Oak Harbor, WA. My goal will be to track the progress of the male and female leaders, also to capture unique moments from the mid to the back of the pack runners.

One of the unique features of this race, after the first mile it loops back through the start area, where throngs of supporters cheer you on. The first three men through Ali Khalil, Hozumi Nakai, and Matt Cecill, would change positions twice before the finish. Staci Carrigan came through with a strong lead with Alica Woodside and Tara Berry giving chase a few minutes back.

Soon after they came through, while the other members of the Uphill Running media team were stretched out along the course keeping the masses on the edge of their computer chairs, I scurried over to the Cornet Bay aid station, which serves miles 14, 21, and 28. I witnessed a great race unfold as I saw the leaders three times. Matt Cecill came through with a 10 minute lead, even through excruciating cramps, was able to hold onto the lead finishing in 4:15. On the ladies side, the race for 1st and 2nd came down to the final miles as leader Staci Carrigan who had held onto a strong lead through 28 miles was run down by a hard charging Alica Woodside with an eye of the tiger focus, or an Ellie Greenwood like closing determination, beating Staci by 2 minutes.

Throughout the day you gain a great perspective of how everyone feels as the race progresses. When the runners come through mile 14, they are often confident, excited and pushing toward their own goals. By the end some are cursing, others get a third wind for a final push, and a few never change from their spunky, go-lucky, positive vibes. I heard it all from, “Oh!!! Great the loop de loop from hell…” to “If feeling good means I want to throw up, than I feel great!!”

It was a great day of racing, the weather was perfect, and I thoroughly enjoyed providing coverage for Uphill Running. It was an experience I look forward to repeating throughout 2014.

Brandon Williams, an avid trail runner and climber, manages a site dedicated to the goal of capturing the places runners and climbers seek the solitude, he’s the race director for Lynch Creek 5k, and he’s always available for a good smile and laugh.

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6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


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9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


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