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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

We’re Still Waiting On A Few Products To Roll Our Way, But Spring Has Sprung

What’s important about March 22nd?

1931: William Shatner is born.

1933: President Roosevelt made 3.2% beer and wine sales legal.

1963: The Beatles first album, “Please Please Me” is released.

2014: Uphill Running “officially” opens for business.

Yes, Uphill Running will be open for business at 10 AM on Saturday, March 22nd. Meet at the store at 9 AM for a 30 minute, all-abilities group run. We’ll start the run around 9:15 AM. The run will be easy and at a very conversational pace, rain or shine or snow.

We're going to call this our "Soft Opening" because we're still waiting on a few products to roll our way, but spring has sprung and we miss seeing our running friends. Yes, you can become the proud owner of anything we do have in the store: Shoes by Altra, Pearl Izumi, and Patagonia; Apparel by Run Pretty Far and Run Hard Wear. Mizuno shoes and apparel, as well as socks by Feetures! will be arriving early next week.

If anything, drop by the shop for a high-five, a few laughs, and a smile.

We will have a giant party in April to properly commemorate and christen the store. We’ll announce that date within a week.

Can’t make Saturday? No worries.

Here’s the following week’s ‘Open for Business’ schedule:

Sunday, March 23rd: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Monday, March 24th: CLOSED

Tuesday, March 25th: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Group Run, 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM. (All-abilities, No drop)

Wednesday, March 26th: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Thursday, March 27th: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Like I said, we’ve been missing our running friends and this is a great way for us to catch-up.

With Love,

Trey Bailey

Uphill Running | 100 Front Street South, Suite A, Issaquah, WA 98027 | 425-391-2430

Uphill Running Logo


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Store Hours
Sun. 12 - 4 | Mon. Closed | Tue. 11 - 6 | Wed. 11 - 6 | Thu. 11 - 6 | Fri. 11 - 6 | Sat. 10 - 6

Weekly Group Runs

Tuesday Night Run

6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


Saturday Morning Trail Run

9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


More Info

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