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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

Uphill Running Provides Live Coverage of Gorge Waterfalls 50k

Didn't win the lottery into this year's Gorge Waterfalls 50k? Dying to know who's in the lead? Nursing an injury but still want to live vicariously through your fellow runners?

Tune into Uphill Running Live via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for live coverage of the sold-out 2014 Gorge Waterfalls 50k onSaturday, March 29 hosted by Rainshadow Running.

This year's event kicks off at the Wyeth Trailhead with a 9 a.m. start and concludes at the Benson State Recreation Area with a finishers' cutoff at 6 p.m.

The crew at Uphill Running will dot the course from start to finish to report the lead runners, offer insight on the latest weather conditions and share scenic views only previously enjoyed and endured by race participants.

Gorge Waterfalls 50k LIVE Guide:

If you haven't already, "Like" Uphill Running Live on Facebook and follow @UphillRunning on Twitter and Instagram @UphillRunning.

Paul Nelson will be bringing as much LIVE video as the internet coverage allows during Saturday's race, too: Livestream

Rock-N-Trail put it best, "Should be an exciting day of couch surfing with beer in hand!"

Pre-race pump-up video brought to you by Project Talaria:

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Store Hours
Sun. 12 - 4 | Mon. Closed | Tue. 11 - 6 | Wed. 11 - 6 | Thu. 11 - 6 | Fri. 11 - 6 | Sat. 10 - 6

Weekly Group Runs

Tuesday Night Run

6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


Saturday Morning Trail Run

9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


More Info

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