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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

#TBT Jamey Bilyeu's Squak Mtn. 50k

This #TBT is one of the first race videos I ever filmed: Jamey Bilyeu's Squak Mtn 50k. Here's the original description:

"Through the loneliness and camaraderie of trail running we can all find peace. Jamey "Broom" Bilyeu's first 50k can be summed up in a few words, "On Squak Mountain the uphills and downhills can teach you a lot." - Jamey Bilyeu." Here's some story behind the video:

I didn't have a car so as soon as I got off work I ran home, grabbed my bicycle and camera and rode as fast as I could down SR 900 to Squak Mtn. I ran up Squak Mtn. with a backpack, tripod in hand, and a little orange camera and found Jamey and just started filming. He had no idea I was going to be there, but I really wanted to help support him.

It's long, it's shaky, and we were using a trial version of a video editing software. Beyond all of the things we've learned, and we're still learning, the video highlights how well the running community supports everyone. Just shy of 10 hours Bilyeu crosses the finish line, he's the last person on the course but there is a group of people still there waiting with excitement.

Jamey and Heather -the beautiful lady rambling behind Jamey- play in an Acoustic Mountain Music band called Ravinwolf, and so all the music in the video is from them. Check out their band's webpage,

Evergreen Trail Runs' Squak Mtn. 50k is this weekend, by the way! The race is literally in our backyard, so stop by the shop after your race. We're having our "Grand Opening" party on Sunday, April 13th from 12:00 - 4:00 at the store. This gives you plenty of time to recover from your efforts. We're going to have swag from our vendors, a fun family-friendly scavenger hunt, road and trail shoe fitting, and overall a damn good time. We'll be posting more details soon, so check back with us. Questions? Call us: 425.391.2430

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6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


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9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


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