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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

Fueling Our Nutrition With Friendship: Pocket Fuel

When you get a handwritten note with your order, you know you made the right choice. We are excited to announce that Uphill Running has a new friend in the store: Pocket Fuel. Pocket Fuel is 100% Natural Energy. We’re carrying all 7 flavors of their Nut Butter Blends: Banana Blueberry, Coconut Cherry, Chocolate Espresso, Chia Goji & Honey, Pineapple Coconut, Chocolate Haze, and Vanilla Haze; as well as their 3 flavors of COLD BREW COFFEE: Java, Mocha, and Vanilla.

Why Pocket Fuel? The first thing we look for in a brand is community involvement. What is the company doing to improve the running scene? Not just in Issaquah, WA, but all over. After winning the Inaugural Gorge Waterfalls 100k, Alicia Woodside, contributor at, passed along our info to Heather Pola at Pocket Fuel, and after reading Alicia’s race report we realized why.

Alicia writes, “I’ve bonked tons of times in the past year so I planned to eat lots of dried fruit, it was going to be glorious! But a few bites into my dried mango, I realize that I’m not a fast enough eater to be worthy of real food today. Yup, I’m going to have to eat gels. Suddenly I switch plans and I decide to eat 3-4 gels every 10 miles. (I end up eating like 25! So many that I develop cuts on my mouth from the repeated plastic abrasion!) Thank the trail god, Heather Pola from PocketFuel had given Tara and I a pretty good stash of real-food-gels before the race, so between every fake-food gel I demolish, I treat myself to Pocketfuel’s gels, which make me feel like a human being again. Blueberries and almond butter?! Yummy cold brew coffee?!”

Heather gave us a phone call a few days after Gorge Waterfalls and the conversation began with, “Heey!!! What’s going on, man! This is Heather at Pocket Fuel!” –Pretend there are several more exclamation points between every word- It was like we were already friends. The enthusiasm, the energy, the genuineness: all qualities we look for in brands. Off on the right foot, we got down to the product.

Pocket Fuel is 100% Natural Energy and committed to keeping our planet just as healthy as our bodies. Pocket Fuel is Vegan, Dairy-free, Gluten-free, and Soy-free. The bottom-line, however, comes down to friendship.

Pocket Fuel didn’t want to just sell us product. They sent us samples for our Tuesday Night Run and then followed up with us just to talk and to get to know each other. We talked about good people, our most recent running adventures and how much fun we’re having be just us. And to say it again: “When you get a handwritten note with your order, you know you made the right choice.”

Pocket Fuel is now on our In-stock Product page. Stop by the shop to pick up your fuel for your next run and smile because it will be fueled with 100% Natural Energy and friendship.

Find out more about Pocket Fuel at and check out their social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pintrest | Youtube

“Let’s Keep It Real”

- Uphill Running

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Sun. 12 - 4 | Mon. Closed | Tue. 11 - 6 | Wed. 11 - 6 | Thu. 11 - 6 | Fri. 11 - 6 | Sat. 10 - 6

Weekly Group Runs

Tuesday Night Run

6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


Saturday Morning Trail Run

9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


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