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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

Beacon Rock 50k Preview and Connor Meakin Interview

In 1805, Lewis and Clark explored and named Beacon Rock. In 2011, Rainshadow Running explored the trails and began creating a weekend full of running, playing, hiking, climbing, swimming, and even food. On Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 8:00 AM, the Beacon Rock 50k and Beacon Rock 25k will take over the racing portion of the weekend long party.

177 runners will be attempting the 25k course, and 123 runners will be attempting the 50k. The 25k is a one-loop course, and the 50k is a two-loop course and will cover nearly all of the trails in Beacon Rock State Park.

There are only two aid stations on the course, but the racers will pass through enough to keep the energy levels topped off and their thirst quenched. The course is located on the northern side of the Columbia River. As described on the course website, runners are in for a treat with, “High vistas offering sweeping views of the Cascades - including Mt Hood and Mt Adams - and the entire Columbia River Gorge.”

A Look At The 50k Field

Meghan Molnar (third, 2014 Yakima Skyline Rim 50k; fourth, 2012 Deception Pass 50k) is the race favorite for the women. Her experience gives her an upper-hand over the other two podium favorites: Alexis Brain (first, 2013 Mt. Spokane) and Agnethe Hartkamp. There are several women that all have a very strong chance to mix up the podium: Marta Fisher, Jen Edwards, Wendy Wheeler-Jacobs, and Jordan Maki-Richards

There are four men that will be battling it out for the three podium spots: William Emerson (second, 2011 Beacon Rock), Jason Leman (fourth, 2014 Orcas Island 50k, top-ten Gorge Waterfalls 50k), Connor Meakin (second, 2014 Yakima Skyline Rim 50k), and Korey Konga. The dark horses of the race: Michael McNeill, Masazumi Fujioka, Nick Jurgensen, and Sean “Run Bum” Blanton.

Race Day Coverage

The cell phone coverage is pretty slim on the Beacon Rock 50k course and our race day team consists of one person, so we are going to do our best to bring updates during the 50k. Follow us on Twitter @UphillRunning and on Uphill Running LIVE Facebook Page.

For more course information about Beacon Rock 50k:


Connor Meakin stopped by Uphill Running on his way down to the race and we were treated to an impromptu interview led by a few folks hanging out in the shop:

Who do you think will win the Hash Run on Friday night?

“Varner. Varner will definitely pull away with the win.”

Beer before or after the race?

“After the race, for sure. Hmm, I think the better question is, "Will I have more beer than pizza slices after the race?" When I finished Yakima Skyline Rim 50k I had at least six slices of pizza, and a few beers, but then I took four slices for the drive home. So many slices.”

Do you eat Costco hotdogs or bratwurst?


What’s your favorite aid station food?

“If there are M&Ms and Reeses, I dig my sweaty hands in as fast as possible.”

Where do you typically chafe?

“This is unusual, I don’t know if anyone else chafes here…my armpits.”

What tunes do you listen to? NPR? BBC?

“I’ve never listened to NPR or BBC, but I do like good music.”

Are you going to go for the win?

“Yes. I’m going to win. I’m coming off a long week, but I’m ready to give it everything. I’m ready to win.”

Follow Connor Meakin on Instagram @connormeaks, Twitter @connormeaks, and while you're at it check out is website

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Weekly Group Runs

Tuesday Night Run

6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


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9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


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