Cashing In On A Loose Tooth
Last night, and in all my years of leading Tuesday Night Run from Georgia to Washington, we had a first: a child’s loose tooth finally fell out…well, she actually pulled it out by herself. Losing a tooth for the first time is a big deal, pulling it out yourself is even more impressive, and we learned a thing or two about this young lady:
One, she didn’t flinch so clearly she’s going to be either a middle distance track runner or a very good ultra-marathoner.
Two, when it comes to waiting for the right moment she’s quite content to waiting patiently. After a short pre-run interview, she explained she’d like to let it stay in for a few more days; however, following the group run when we presented her with a free sombrero, an Uphill Running coffee mug, a half eaten bag of potato chips, a feature on all Uphill Running social media platforms and the Uphill Running website she caved.

Three, before the tooth fairy visits she wants to show her classmates.
Four, she loves her Dad. Immediately following the pulling of the tooth the Dad said, “I’ll always remember Uphill Running as the place she lost her first tooth.” He gave her a big hug, she smiled and they both wanted pictures for the photo album.
Seriously, in more than half of a decade and in two states this has never happened at one of my Tuesday Night Runs. It was a nice change in pace, and in a very satisfying way it’s pretty cool that at least one person will always remember Uphill Running for more than just being a local and often unconventional Running Specialty Shop.
P.S. If you show up and pull a tooth out at next week’s Tuesday Night Run, you probably just get a lot of funny looks, but maybe we’ll treat to a beer in one of our Uphill Running Mason Jars.
Cheers, y’all.