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Cascades, Trail Running, Uphill Running

"Writing to run, Running to write." Jan. 4th - Jan 10th

I haven’t kept a running log in a few years. A big part of me misses it, so what better time to start again than at the beginning of the year. I hope it’ll force me to run more. I’ve battled injuries for two years now: three broken ribs, a broken left ankle, and a broken big toe, obviosuly I’m ready to just run. I took a big step in jump starting my running by registering for the Teanaway Half-Marathon on May 31st. I have fleeting thoughts of training to race, but I'm comfortable with just getting out there for some solid leg turnover in a beautiful area of Washington.

A lot of my motivation for writing comes from running and when I keep a written log a lot of my motivation to run comes from writing. Oh yeah, I got a new camera (Canon 7D) so that should give me plenty of motivation to get outside and snap some landscape and running selfies!

Jan. 4th

There are no photographs, no words, and no sounds that will suffice an encompassing description of the trees swaying in the hollow wind on the summit of Tiger Mountain. At times, the steep ascent left me drunk with discomfort and bold with pleasure. Nighttime on the trails is a misfortunate comfort because the running becomes a blind emotion.

Jan. 5th

Off day. Lungs have a bit of PTSD throughout the day. Legs feel stiff at times and unnoticeable at other times.

Jan. 6th

Tuesday Night Run at Uphill Running. Nothing like a one and a half mile run at night to keep the running engine happily turning over. I know it’s a really, really miniscule distance, but the point of the group run is to slow down, build community, and break up the monotony of training. Plus, when you have a little bit of life drama show up unexpectedly it’s really nice to be surrounded by good people.

Jan. 7th

Thought about running…

Jan. 8th

Still thinking about running…

Jan. 9th

I don’t even have an excuse to not get in at least a few strides…

Jan. 10th

Saturday Morning Trail Run. Finally got the chance to get outside and breathe again! The shop keeps me busy and my running is a bit sporadic mostly because I haven’t really committed myself to running most days, ha. The trail run was full of happiness. We had so many new faces to explore the shop’s backyard; we even got to introduce a runner to the trails for the first time!

01 January 2015 | Blog

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Store Hours
Sun. 12 - 4 | Mon. Closed | Tue. 11 - 6 | Wed. 11 - 6 | Thu. 11 - 6 | Fri. 11 - 6 | Sat. 10 - 6

Weekly Group Runs

Tuesday Night Run

6 PM | 1.5 mi. loop | Paved


Saturday Morning Trail Run

9 AM | 3 to 5 mi. | Trail


More Info

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